Monday, January 19, 2015

A quick update on project "Exposing Ruben..."

Mr. Ruben de Lange has now stepped up his campaign of intimidation against two women who have been in contact with me regarding their dealings with him. It seems the heat is getting to him as he has started to delete his profiles off several sites and he's lashing out at everyone. Luckily his attacks have been limited to ranting on whatsapp and threatening to post their photos on facebook - big man behind small screen! They have not become physical which just goes to show what a coward he is!

Ladies please come forward with any information that will help us find his physical address. What we know so far:
  1. He is looking for work and therefore most likely unemployed (which explains why he is harassing people all hours of the night and day)
  2. He lives in the Boksburg area - most likely with his mother and 4 yr old daughter.
  3. His ID number is 8204065013088
  4. He uses the following cell phone numbers but does not answer calls so they are most likely data only numbers - 074 158 5869 / 073 495 7090
  5. According to RICA the numbers are pay-as-you-go belonging to women who are not related to him.
If you have met this man and can offer us any information that will help us shut him down, please mail me. Please share this page on all the social networks.

Love and light <3

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